Wellness & Activity-Based App

Hero Image for UI/UX Design Case Study for Fitness and wellness powered web3 application

Project Description:

Health and Wellness application incentivize users with interactive and unique rewards based on their activity.


Successfully draft product roadmap document with 30, 60, 90, and one year goals including possible partnerships, technologies, and overall direction the product will be taking in collaboration with the Product Owner.

Define the whole user experience of the product on how users will be interacting with the product and application and the current architecture of the application and with blockchain’s integration.

List of partners:


      • Enjin (for in-app currency)

      • Altura (for upgradable NFTs)

    Reflections/What I learned:

    While I have been interested in web3 for a while, this was my first introduction to going under the hood and understanding web3 from first principles.

    Web3 UX also has a lot of distance to cover before bringing in its first 1 billion users and a space that is ripe for UX innovations in coming months, and years that will bridge the gap from 1000s of degens to millions of users.

    Another key lesson was leveraging partnerships that benefit both ends. We were able to create synergies that were an ultimate win-win for us and our partners.

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