Wellness & Activity-Based App


0 → 1 Product Designer
UI/UX Design


MVP Designs
Product Strategy & Roadmap
Tokenomics and Whitepaper

Project Duration

16 Weeks

Photo of three phones showing mockups of Collectable NFTs screens


  • Draft the overall product experience strategy for users and stakeholders.
  • Create a sustainable tokenomics strategy and white paper.
  • Identify and secure 3 technology partners. These partnerships helped us leverage their expertise and implement their technology into our roadmap.
  • 2 of 3 partners invested in the team’s first $X,XXX,XXX round.

Photo of two phones showing mockups of activity screens


As a Product Designer, my role was to lead design and form a strategy to launch an innovative solution for client’s consumer-facing product. The client already had a presence in the health & wellness space with their enterprise solution. I worked with the founding team who helped me in the ideating stage with their feedback and expertise. We started with reviewing state of the industry and brainstorming various roadmaps.

We agreed on a fitness application leveraging web3/blockchain to incentivize the users. The solution had the right amount of innovation, UX challenges, and incentives for users to create a sticky product.

Some ‘non-design’ areas I worked on for this project.

  • Market Research
  • Product Strategy
  • Project Specification and Roadmap
  • In-App Economy and Tokenomics for App
  • Investor Relations

Photo of two phones showing mockups of stats screens

The users & challenges

Identifying opportunity for a mobile first web3 product meant working with premature web3 onboarding and mobile UX.

We hacked together seamless onboarding and UX for users that may pull out their wallets reading ‘Connect Wallet’ while keeping it familiar for web3 first users.

Image of two user personas we focused on for the application. One of the personas is more fitness focused, whereas the other has interests in technology, web3, and NFTs.
User Personas
Shot of 2 different user flows for the application.
web2 x web3 onboarding and user flow
Photo of two phones showing mockups of onboarding screens
Solution: Providing users ability to onboard with Google and Apple or with their web3 wallets.


I worked with the team from the ideating stage of the product till they raised their first 7-figure round. 

With the funding secured, the founders doubled down on their hiring. I helped with onboarding new members into their team. The new team would work on the product roadmap we initially created.

Photo of three phones showing mockups of Collectable NFTs screens
NFT Collectibles

Lets Get to Work!